Sunday, May 23, 2010


hye babe! tgk tajok n3 ni pon da tau ape kn? sape yg x tau aper itu headband? hands up!!!
ok, let me cter sket psl headband ni...

HEADBAND = an accessory worn in the hair or around the forehead. headband generally consists of a loop of elastic material or a horseshoe-shaped piece of flexible plastic or metal. They come in assorted shapes and sizes and are use for both practical and fashion purpose.

ni some of the headbands!

a) Everyday Headband

b) Office Headband

c) Dating Headband

Later, i'll produce my own headbands... insyaallah... keep viewing my blog~ tQ

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Maxi Dress!!!


Im officially in luv wif maxi dress...

here are some maxi dress design that i found when i googled...

really luv all these!
sweet rite?



i juga menerima tempahan utk hantaran...
and i think my hantaran is cheaper compare kat kedai la...
diz hantaran i made it xclusive for my fren...
juz take a look at these...


and lastly...

(p/s : kalu u olls nk tau hrga or nk wat tempahan, juz email me k... tq)



dgr tajuk pon da tau msti psl mknn kn?

so, today i want to introduce our delicious home made cake...

1. Moist chocolate cake

RM 45 for 1.5 kg++


RM 35 for 80 pcs

2. Carrot cakes

RM 45 for 1.5kg++

(p/s : cake ini sgt la sedap even rupanya x cntik sgt... huhu... but unfortunately, we do not have delivery service... so sorry... so sape2 yg nk must be willing to pick it up at WANGSA MAJU. other than this, we also have any other yummilicious food ; wertern or local. juz email me if uolls nk tau pape... tQ)

Hye Peeps!!!

hye there!
im new ere...
this blog is for all!!!
so, happy surfing~
(email me at :